A huge thanks to the Redmond Eagles for hosting our 2024 Banquet! A great time was had by all, and the food was excellent!
See more photos in the Picture Albums below.
The Mustang Horseshoe League has a rich history. There have been hundreds of players having fun for more than 40 years!
The league currently has 6 teams, located at 3 different venues: Lynnwood (Just Left Bar & Grill), Bothell (Berts Tavern), and Redmond (Redmond Eagles). Each team has 8-10 players. We are always looking for part-time subs (or occasionally full-time people). Our goal is to have fun, and enjoy the game of horseshoes! Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you are welcome! It's also a great way to meet new people. If you have interest in joining us for the 2025 season, feel free to email Scott at pierce.scott@comcast.net .
A smart way to cool off!
The next Captain's Meeting date is TBD.
The mid-season Playday pictures are posted above.
Well, a few folks got a little wet, but the rain held off for the most part. A good time was had by all. See pictures above.
There was a great turnout for Willy's Celebration of Life. Many tears, laughter and great memories. Thanks to all who attended. Willy will be hugely missed!
The End-of-Season Banquet will be on Saturday, November 2nd, 2 PM. Location will be at the Redmond Eagles. Buffet dinner served around 5 PM. Contact Paul Keller if you are interested in attending. Text or call him at (425) 418-0587. The cost is $20 per person, and you can pay at the banquet.
Call Scott Pierce at 425.821.4939 or email pierce.scott@comcast.net if you have any questions or suggestions.
President: Sterling Rhodes
Vice-President: Scottie McNinch
Secretary/Treasurer: Katrina Moyer
Statistician: Bobbie Wood
Web-Guru: Scott Pierce
If you have any league questions,
feel free to email any of the above officers.
Just click on their name.